Friday, October 29, 2010

Week 6 - Day 6 - Old Boilers Night

I'm having my Old Boilers night tonight and I'm just a bit excited. I've got around 40 women meeting me at the pub for dinner and drinks. It could end up very messy! I don't drink much these days so I'll have to pace myself. I'm also panicking about the calorie intake. I've decided to drink white wine and top it up with soda water. This will hopefully make me drink slower and not as much.
I did super Saturday this morning with a spin class follwed by a pump class. I was drenched at the end of it but I only burned off 750 calories. What's with that? I'm finding that the further I go with this program, the harder it seems to be I have to work to burn off calories. Kinda makes sense but shit it's hard work.
Tomorrow is a rest day and probably a recovery day.

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