Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week 3 - Day 1 - A busy time ahead

I managed to do C25K this morning even though it was drizzling rain. I only just made it back to the garage when a rally heavy down pour happened. Someone was looking after me.
I've got the most ridiculous evening planned and thank god for my partner to help. I finish work at 5:00 and race home to collect the toungest for her tennis lesson at 5:30. Head home and prepare dinner for everyone beofre picking up the youngest at 6:30. I've got a PT at 7 till 8. The middle child has to be picked up from work at 7ish. The middle child then has basketball at 8:20 and the oldest child needs to be picked up from work at 8:30. Then it's back to basketball to collect the middle child around 9:15. Then I'm going home to bed to crash.
I'm not quite sure when I'm supposed to eat and get organised for tomorrows food but I'll see how I go.

1 comment:

  1. What a day! Hope you burn off a lot of incidental cals with all the running around.
